Friday, May 21, 2010

Mapping My Course

I have been playing around with THIS MAP SITE since last night (Thank you Terri for passing it my way). It is really quite useful, if you like that sort of thing....

The sun is now trying her hardest to peek through the cloud cover and I was fortunate enough to get a nanny at the last minute (read~my brother is coming over to watch the kids, drink our juice and play on the computer) while I go for a run. I just mapped out a 4.5 mile route and am sort of nervous about it. Up until now I've been doing 3.5 miles fairly regularly, BUT, and this is a big but, I have been doing 2 identical loops. I run the length of the boulevard and back again and then repeat. This started because obviously in the beginning I could only do one length before I had to return home due to exhaustion, or just the idea of it. I remember quite clearly the very first day I got back to the house and decided to keep running. I could hardly believe it at the time, but I coaxed myself along by muttering "one more block, just one more...." in my head until I had had somehow repeated the entire loop for a second time. Ever since then, this route has been my comfort zone and I have let myself go on believeing that the first loop is the actual goal and anything else is simply extra. Plus, I have the option of stopping after the first go round if I am too tired to continue. This has never happened, but I still like the idea of it, as I've already mentioned, I am a girl who likes to have an escape route, an emergency exit if you will.

Well today, for the first time, I am crossing 60th and not turning back until I get over 2 miles out. I am breaking down the mental barriers that stand guard at the intersection down the road. Today, I am running into Tosa.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sam, my friend Bill uses this mapping program and links it to facebook so we see what he's running everyday. He's gone from 3 something miles to 5 something miles and he has little kids too. Here's his profile on runkeeper

    Keep up the good work!

